Grand Event 2023
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Sponsor GE2023 to Support Grand Avenue's Mission!
Sponsorship Levels
Diamond - $10,000 - 4 tables of 8
Platinum - $5,000 - 2 tables of 8
Gold - $2,500 - 1 table of 8
Silver - $1,250 - 4 individual tickets
Bronze - $500 - 2 individual tickets
Pearl - $250 - 1 individual ticket
All donors will have their name (or logo if business / foundation) displayed in promotional materials for this event as well as in-event signage and displays. It will be featured at the event entrance, rotating on the screen throughout the night, featured in our "The Phoenix" annual report, and in our weekly newsletter following the event.
You will be contacted in April 2023 for a list of attendee names and their meal selections